Hold’em Poker Guide- ways to ‘not lose’ your game
If you have come to a stage of higher level, and you need more improvements in your game, then you can continue reading this article. This a poker guide for advanced level players, therefore you need to have high level knowledge for reading this article. You might have read about many poker guides suggesting you ways to win, but you should also know the ways of not losing your game by avoiding simple mistakes. Following are the two basic rules which will help you from not losing your play.
Poker guide rule no. 1 of not losing
The very first mistake of any game is not realizing that the mistake has been committed. This is the simplest mistake committed by majority of the players. This mistake becomes the integral part of the game, and makes the player lose the game. The next mistake is calling for bets and not for raises and fold. Sometimes the player calls for the other players bet, without knowing about his own hand in the play. A call will make you lose the game; instead opt for a raise which will increase your amount in the pot. Keep all these points in your mind while playing the game; it will help you to avoid silly and simple mistakes.
Poker guide rule no. 2 of not losing
After learning how to call your mistake, you can move on to learn the way to escape your next simple mistake. The next mistake is when you accidently miss your flop. But don’t worry, at this point of time you can bluff your opponent player.
Usually you miss quite a few points while playing, those are as follows.
You should sit in a place where you can notice your opponent’s game.
You should keep track of your opponents each step.
You should never make your opponent know what is going on in your mind; always act in a manner that you have no idea about what is going in the game.
The board or the table should be placed in a manner that each and every player is comfortable and do not have the opportunity to cheat to have a fair play.
I hope the above mentioned steps will enable you not to lose in any game from now onwards. You may be thinking of the time when you have committed the above mentioned mistakes, don’t worry as you will never commit these mistakes again.