Starting hands
You receive your first two cards, you look at them and now you ask yourself, should you play them ? Should you raise on the preflop ? You look around you, and try to find some tells, but still can’t quite decide what to do. Well You’re reading the right article. See I’m going to tell you what to do, it’s easy huh!
First, these are advice for a table with 6-8 players
Your online behaviour, how you play, when you play, how fast you play and what you say in the chat rooms, even your name can all give away some free “information” about your game, the secret to being a good bluffer is to not let others know when you are bluffing. Take this information and use it, when you see someone not following these rules, there is a good chance that he is a below average player, and thus you should take advantage of that.
The very good hands
The ones you raise with
Well let’s go through the hands that will make you go “YESH!” This is what you should do before the flop:
- A-A : Obviously, the highest possible starter, so no question there, you raise
- K-K : Raise
- Q-Q : Raise
- A-K : Raise
- J-J : Raise
- A-Q : Raise
- T-T : Raise
Yes you got read right, you should raise…why ? Because you can loose your advantage on the flop VERY quickly, so play at your peek, and try to get there money while you can, don’t waste the pocket ace to try and lure someone into thinking you got nothing yet, unless you got some experience, you should raise on the flop.
The good hands
The one you call with
- A-J : Call
- A-T : Call
- 9-9 : Call
- 8-8 : Call
- 7-7 : Call
Now I wouldn’t normally call with any pocket pair below 7’s, but you’ll have to use your brain on this one. Read your opponents and go with what your guts tell you.
See try always reacting the same way when you get your cards, and most importantly memorize them so you won’t have to look again. Most beginner check there bad cards more often then there good ones, and that’s an easy tell for an experienced player.
On a side note, you should practice yourself being constant, forget the bluffing on starting hands, unless your a very good poker player. Don’t talk too much, listen instead, don’t try to provoke reaction yet, wait (like a predator). Wait for them to feel in confidence, hand after hand, keep doing the same exact thing for every hand.
Enjoy yourselves players, and see you at the table!
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